Millions of people and thousands of organizations are helping to develop just and sustainable solutions for environmental and social problems. Changes are occurring in every sphere: science is giving us a deeper and more holistic understanding of reality; renewable, decentralized technologies are being developed; new social networks and transnational structures are emerging; strategies and policies for sustainability are being created; and integrating values and perspectives are spreading.
Organizations for sustainability and justice
These are links to the websites of some of the many organizations working towards an ecologically healthy and socially just future for our planet.
Amnesty International
Animal Justice
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Brighter Green
Climate Action Network Canada
Climate Action Network International
Club of Rome
Conservation International
David Suzuki Foundation
Ecoforestry Institute Society
Extinction Rebellion
Fairtrade International
Global EverGreening Alliance
Grameen Foundation
Great Transition Initiative
Healthy Planet Action Coalition
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Jane Goodall Institute
Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
Peace Now
Pembina Institute
Post Carbon Institute
Project Ploughshares
Rainforest Alliance
Research Institute for Sustainability
Resilience Alliance
Santa Fe Institute
Schumacher Institute
Stockholm Resilience Centre
Trees for Life
United Nations Development Programme
World Resources Institute
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Data and analysis
These are links to some useful websites containing data on the state of natural and human systems, as well as articles analyzing trends and current affairs.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Carbon Brief
Climate Code Red
Climate Feedback
Climate Home News
Global Footprint Network
Global Monitoring Laboratory
Inside Climate News
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
New Scientist
Our World in Data
The Energy Mix
The Narwhal
More links
Animal Studies Bibliography
Between the Species
Bibliogr. of Literature Relevant to Our Future Sustainability
George Monbiot
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
NASA Exoplanet Exploration
Natural Genesis
Smithsonian: Human Origins/Evolution
Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy
The Leap Manifesto
Feel free to recommend other websites for our lists. Also, please consider adding a link for to your website.