Climate scientists rebel against the IPCC

Following three decades of IPCC failures to convince nation states to make a dent in greenhouse gas emissions, a group of rebellious climate scientists claim rapid planet cooling measures must be employed as soon as possible to slow global heating.

Planet past 1.5C of heating for first time in 2024

Climate breakdown drove the annual global temperature above the internationally agreed 1.5C target for the first time last year, supercharging extreme weather and causing “misery to millions of people”.

Is societal collapse inevitable?

Academic Danilo Brozović says studies of failed civilizations all point in one direction – today’s society needs radical transformation to survive.

Exploding the Big Bang

It was thought that science could tell us about the origins of the Universe. Today that great endeavour is in serious doubt.

Open-pit conflict

In a Rocky Mountain town in southwest Alberta, a bitter battle is brewing. With a history of coal mining, the community is debating whether to stay true to its roots and support the return of coal — or leave the mining industry in the past.

Can Lula and Petro unite to save the Amazon?

The rainforest nations of Brazil and Colombia have the best opportunity in a generation to drag the Amazon back from the abyss as they host three of the world’s most important environmental negotiations in the space of little more than a year.