Collapse & Transformation

Growing global crises will dominate our lives and the lives of our children.

Over the next few decades, the collapse of major ecosystems will accelerate, driven by the imperative for endless growth inherent in industrial capitalism and its accompanying consumer culture. If this trend continues, growing economic and social crises will inevitably destroy civilization as we know it. However, positive outcomes are also possible. Constructive new values, technologies, and social organizations are emerging. Together, these are beginning to develop post-industrial societal structures and economic processes. Humanity has the potential to transform the existing unjust and unsustainable system into a just and sustainable one. These trends are explored in Collapse & Transformation and in Evolution’s Edge.

Collapse & Transformation

Industrial civilization will soon collapse. We examine three issues: why global industrial civilization is unsustainable, what the requirements are for a sustainable civilization, and how we can help a peaceful and sustainable civilization come into being.

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Graphic Presentation

This graphic presentation is designed to demonstrate that the world as we know it is about to be transformed.

View Part 1, Part 2


The Next 20 Years: A Time of Transformation

The key to understanding future developments is recognising hat the two major trends shaping global events — worsening problems and emerging solutions — are interconnected. Growing economic and environmental crises will soon reach tipping points that focus public attention on the existence of both dangerous threats and viable solutions. Then (and only then) will most leaders begin to make transformational decisions.

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Introduction to Evolution's Edge

Evolution’s Edge explains not only why the collapse of our violent and destructive global system is inevitable, but also why a new type of sustainable civilization has begun to emerge. Because the obstacles to human progress are cultural, not technical, we can accelerate this evolutionary process through uniting around ethical, constructive views and values. Full of transformative ideas and tools, this book is a practical guide to a better future.

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The Mathematics of Tipping Points

In this video talk, Thomas Bury uses graphics to introduce the mathematics of tipping points . . .