About BEST Futures

The goal of BEST Futures is to support the emergence of a sustainable and just world through providing people and communities with new tools, perspectives, and knowledge.

BEST Futures began in 2003 as a research project designed to develop, apply and disseminate our Biosocial Evolutionary Systems Theory model (the BEST model) of societal change and evolution. The project builds on the work of Alastair M. Taylor (1915–2005), who used systems theory to develop a unique model of the historical evolution of societies and their world-views. We intend to involve other people in the project as the work expands.

We use the BEST Model to:

(1) Help explain the historical evolution of societal systems and world-views
(2) Help explain the natural and societal processes shaping current and future events
(3) Develop systems tools and teach systems thinking
(4) Support the emergence of an integral world-view and vision

At present we are working in the following areas:


Educational Products • Graphic Presentations

Lectures • Please contact Graeme Taylor if you would like him to speak to your organization, lecture, or lead workshops.

Collaboration • We want to network ideas and resources with other individuals and organizations and collaborate on the development of sustainable solutions. Because we want to develop and spread constructive ideas and values, we encourage you to download and copy our articles for your personal use. However, we retain all copyrights — our materials may not be reproduced for sale or commercial purposes without our permission.

BEST Futures is based in Brisbane, Australia and Victoria, Canada. At present it includes:

Angus M. Taylor (Political Science, Philosophy)
Duncan M. Taylor (Environmental Studies)
Fereshteh M. Sadeghi (Architecture, Graphic Design)
Graeme M. Taylor (Peace and Conflict Studies, Social Systems) Project Coordinator